Wether this be a sad truth or just a coincidence of life throughout hte HIMYM-saga, its ironic to say the least. Thinking that I would only take a glass or two of some Austrilian Malbec, vintage 2008, (damn almost 4yrs old), and only a single cheap-ass-DELICICOUS store bought frozen pizza, I ended up with dowing the whole bottle along with not 1 but 2 pizzas, and watching 4 episodes of the HIMYM-season. Oops but not really.
All be it a TV show, for me it somehow strikes a chord on how it reflects on my own life aswellas the ppl around me. Oddly enough I can relate to the charecters alot, not bc of their story but rather parts of their lives and what has brought them to sit at McCallens everyday with each other. IF I would have the worries and tasks to do what I do, and I would be with similar ppl, most likely I would be in some shape or scenario as is presented in that movie. My hand just cramped and not from what u think only the angle of what I am typing, again, not what u think.
To the random unknown reader u are, thank whoever it is u thank, that ur not me, cause then u have a much simpler life in any regard than what I do. Cheers
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